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How Do Ductless Mini-Splits Work

kevin Wu • Feb 22, 2024

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how do ductless mini splits work

Ductless mini split air conditioning is the newest technology in cooling, heating, and ventilation. It's an innovative way to bring the benefits of a central air conditioner into your home without having to run power lines throughout your home. 

In this article we'll explore how ductless mini splits work, why you might want to consider installing one, and what other options are available for cooling your home.

What Is A Mini Split Ac?

Mini split air conditioning is a type of cooling system that uses a refrigerant to cool the air. This allows for smaller units and more efficient operation than traditional AC units, but it also means that there are fewer moving parts in the system.

Mini splits operate by pumping liquid refrigerants through a sealed loop containing fans and coils, which transfer heat from inside your home to outside it. The amount of energy required to operate each unit depends on how cold you want it: if you're looking for cool comfort levels (65 degrees Fahrenheit), then you'll need an inefficient model with no indoor coil--and maybe even some ice cubes! 

In contrast, if all you need is frosty comfort (40 degrees Fahrenheit), then consider investing in one with multiple indoor coils instead of just one or none at all!

How Do Ductless Mini Splits Work?

Mini splits are a type of air conditioning system that uses a mini-split air handler. The mini split air handler is a small unit that's installed in the attic of your home and connected to your main air handler by way of ductwork.

Mini splits are great for homes with lots of open space, as they allow for more floor area between where people live and where they sleep (or vice versa). They also work well if you have children or pets who tend to be active at night and prefer cooler temperatures than their parents do during the day--a problem many families face when trying out different types of ACs!

Why Use A Mini Split AC?

You may be wondering if you should invest in a ductless mini split AC. Here's what you need to know about this air-conditioning technology:

Ductless mini splits are quieter than traditional central air conditioning units. They also run more efficiently, which means that they can cool your entire home with less energy and money than their central counterparts.

Ductless mini splits are more reliable than traditional central air conditioning systems because there's no risk of freezing or breaking down when it comes to installing or maintaining them--and they don't use as much electricity either! This means that you spend less time worrying about whether or not your system is working properly, which makes life easier overall!

Benefits Of Ductless Mini Splits.

Ductless mini split heat pumps are more effective than traditional heat pumps because they use less energy. They can help you save money on your utility bill, as well as make your home more comfortable.

Ductless mini splits also offer a quieter environment compared to older conventional heating and cooling systems. This is especially important if you have sensitive ears or other health concerns that may be aggravated by noise pollution in the house or office space where you spend time each day (like myself).

In addition to being quieter, ductless mini splits are also more efficient than traditional HVAC systems when it comes to cooling your home during peak hours of activity--such as during the summertime months when temperatures soar outside! 

This makes them much better suited for those who live in hot climates or don't want their thermostat set at 75 degrees all year long; these systems will automatically adjust based on how hot it gets outside so there's no need for manual adjustments once again every single morning when getting ready for work/school etcetera ;)

Things To Consider Before Buying One

Make sure your home can handle the load. The system must be able to maintain a high AC unit temperature and deliver enough power for your needs. If it's too small for your home, then the unit won't work properly and could cause problems with comfort levels or heat output.

Consider the space required for installation of each individual part of the system (e.g., including ductwork). Some units require more space than others--so if there isn't enough room in your attic or basement, it could be difficult or impossible to install one of these systems without having extra money available first!

Another great benefit of ductless mini splits is they help reduce the amount of moisture in your home. If you have ever owned or rented a house or apartment with central air conditioning and noticed mold growing on the walls, then this is probably one reason why! 

In addition to reducing moisture from your home, these systems also do not require any ductwork which saves you money and helps decrease energy consumption by preventing hot or cool air from being lost through leaks in the systemMake sure you have enough room in your home to install ductless mini splits. 

These systems use "ductwork" to direct airflow from the outdoor unit into the house, but sometimes that requires extra space. If you don't have room for ductwork or can't find a way for it to fit into your home design, then these units may not be right for you..


The ductless mini split is an interesting option for people who want to save space and money. It doesn't require any ductwork in your home; however, it does require a specific type of central air conditioning unit that's not available from most manufacturers. 

So if you're considering installing one of these systems as well as an AC system overall, there are some things to consider before making any decisions about which units might work best for your situation.

Are you ready to try ductless mini-splits for your home or office in London, Ontario? Check us now to find great HVAC equipment.

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